23 February 2008

For the Clintons, making it has been easy

According to an on-line article by the Washington Post, the Clintons are raking it in now that they've left the White House. Bill, over the last six years, has taken in nearly forty million in speaking fees; last year he spoke 352 times, some of them for more than $150,000 apiece. "The Mito City Political Research Group, a Japanese political studies center, paid Clinton $400,000 for a 2002 speech about politics. Besides Goldman Sachs, the two firms that have paid Clinton the most over the past six years are foreign-based. Gold Services International, an event organizer based in Bogota, Colombia, brought Clinton to Latin America in the summer of 2005 for $800,000 in speaking fees. The Power Within, a motivational-speech company in Toronto, paid Clinton $650,000 for speeches in Canada in 2005 and brought him back for an undisclosed sum in 2006. The company was founded by Salim Khoja, a Kenyan immigrant who years earlier was convicted of stock fraud and was barred for life from the brokerage business. Those willing to pay Clinton to speak say they can pack a hall with people eager to hear his question-and-answer sessions on Middle East peace, his motivational seminars, or his lectures on globalization that weave together personal anecdotes and detailed data aimed at inspiring corporate executives to compete better in the 21st-century global economy."

Rico says hell, for that kind of money, he can be damned entertaining...

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