15 February 2008

But they're so peaceful...

This, from the current Religion of Peace blog:

2/15/2008 (Nimroz, Afghanistan) - Religious extremists gun down four Afghan police officers.
2/15/2008 (Peshawar, Pakistan) - Mujahideen attack an army checkpoint with automatic weapons, killing a local soldier.
2/14/2008 (Baghdad, Iraq) - Jihadis bomb a crowded marketplace, killing at least seven Iraqis.
2/14/2008 (Awja, Iraq) - Freedom Fighters shoot a family of nine to death in their home, including children.
2/14/2008 (Mogadishu, Somalia) - Islamic militants hurl a grenade into a crowd, killing a school headmaster.
2/14/2008 (Yala, Thailand) - A laborer is shot to death in front of his wife by militant Muslims.

Rico says you should note how many of these are incidents where a jihadi blows up people in places where the likelihood of their getting blown away is low, like in people's own houses or a marketplace. Rico hates cowards, and religious cowards are the worst...

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