16 January 2008

Oh, great, now another country wants to play with fire

As if the Iranian cat-and-mouse game in the Straits of Hormuz wasn't bad enough, now the Chinese are trying to forbid us passage through the Taiwan Strait, recently resulting in a 28-hour standoff between a Chinese destroyer and an attack sub and the battle group headed by the USS Kitty Hawk.
While the Kitty Hawk's firepower would undoubtedly made chop suey of the two Chinese vessels, it would have resulted in one of those uncomfortable diplomatic situations.
Even at its narrowest, however, the Taiwan Strait is pretty close to 100 kilometers across, or roughly the distance from Key West to Cuba, thus hardly constricted 'national' waters. But everyone presumably heaved a big sigh of relief when the incident passed without any firepower being expended.

Rico says the Chinese are getting too big for their britches, and will undoubtedly have to be taken down a peg sometime soon...

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