21 January 2008

Oh, Charlie, where have ye gone?

If anyone knows the whereabouts of, or has an email address for, Charles Oliver Hegarty, late of the folk group The Starboard List (and the handsome chap at left on this album cover; he was sometimes referred to, improperly, as Charles O'Hegarty), please email Rico immediately. Back when we knew each other in Nantucket in the 70s, we always said we'd prowl the islands of the Caribbean together, and Rico's ready...
Amazingly, even given the internet, within one hour of the original post my embedded reporter had not only read my blog, researched Charlie references via Google, and sent them to me, but I was able to log on and put out a call to some of the old Starboard List members. When? Glad you asked. According to the site, it posted at 1.11 today. What more appropriate time... Even better, one of them got back to me with an actual address in the UK. Rico sent a letter; let's hope it garners an answer.

Rico says that, years later, there's still been no contact with Charlie, but he hasn't given up hope...


  1. Adelphi Records is probably still paying royalties to him.

  2. Yeah, and for someone without a brain injury, that'd probably be a simple thing to negotiate. But, try as I might, I can't find any googled way to get at them, or him.


No more Anonymous comments, sorry.