12 January 2008

No difference between stealth and non-existence in this case

Michael Bloomberg, mayor of New York, is supposedly still in the running for the presidency.
But he just hasn't gotten around to making it official.
"With the way that he’s playing this right now, it features all the things that we like least about Michael Bloomberg,” said David S. Birdsell, dean of the School of Public Affairs at Baruch College. “It features him as the testy, hard-to-satisfy critic of candidates who are already in the race, and it buttresses, the longer this goes on, the aloof critic role we might associate with a billionaire above the political fray rather than the dedicated politician and competent manager.”

Rico says it's long past time for Bloomberg to decide about getting into the race. He should go back to running New York: "the city’s economic situation turns more dire. After five years of ballooning surpluses, the Independent Budget Office last week projected a $3.1 billion deficit in 2009 and $4.6 billion in 2010, driven by the housing slump and softening Wall Street profits... Lee M. Miringoff, director of the Marist College polls tracking New York politics, said he does not believe frustration will grow over Mr. Bloomberg’s denials of interest in the presidency, mainly because there is not a groundswell of support for him to run."

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