30 January 2008

It'll do until torture comes along

The Senate and the Attorney General are squabbling again over the definition of 'waterboarding'.
This is where they tie you down, put a cloth over your face, and pour water on it until you start talking.
Now, Rico knows that he'd last all of about ten seconds (or however long he could hold his breath) in the face of that, so he considers it tortuous.
He knows the Attorney General is trying desperately to hang on to what is surely an effective method of interrogation, but it's effective because it's torture.
If only we weren't so squeamish as a people, we'd realize that a little nasty behavior to some al-Qaeda scum now can mean a lot less nasty behavior later to innocent Americans.
But we're too fucking nice, so it'll take another disaster like 9.11 to make people let go of their qualms...

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