23 January 2008

Hacking the iPhone

Rico can't imagine why, other than just to say they could do it, that someone would spend all the time and energy required to develop a hack for the iPhone or the iPod.
But there are geeks out there who get off on this stuff, so he's sure it's happening.
He's not about to screw around with his, however; he can't even get all the functionality it's got running, much less worry about trying to move off of AT&T or play with 'alternative' apps...

1 comment:

  1. Hi Rico,

    I'm only slightly geeky, but my situation makes a good case for a break-out-of-AT&T hack:

    I've been on Verizon for years (8?). Wife and kids, too. Our 4 phones on one acct and no minutes charged when we talk to each other. Long distance 'free'. Love the service: many bars where I need them, including underground in the DC Metro.

    AT&T service, on the other hand, sucks here.

    I also love the iPhone - my coworkers rave about theirs. I want one, and can use the more sophisticated tools it has - but don't want to lose all the bennies of Verizon ....

    See what I'm saying?


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