31 January 2008

Berkeley's crazy, but Oakland's stupid

They're trying to put a good face on it, but Oakland International Airport just plain screwed up when they couldn't figure out how to deplane a bunch of soldiers returning from Iraq so that they could greet their friends and relatives:
"The airport decided to keep the troops at a remote location on the tarmac Sept. 27 primarily because of security concerns, the U.S. Transportation Department said in a report. The troops hadn't been screened and had their weapons on board, said the department's inspector general, Calvin Scovel."
"Scovel said ground handler Hilltop Aviation could not confirm to Oakland airport officials that weapons on the flight would be safeguarded in accordance with Defense Department regulations and that the troops would leave their weapons on board."

Rico says one commenter to this post knew his facts, too: "Anyone who has been in the military knows that all weapons are cleared and checked twice before the soldiers ever enter the plane for a domestic flight and ammo is not allowed on the plane." The military knows its own; they don't want idiots with loaded weapons on their flights, either.

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