22 December 2007

Shoot 'em, just don't call 'em names

Seems the Army Intelligence and Security Command’s (INSCOM) Equal Opportunity (EO) promulgated a list of forbidden words:
Jewed, Stepin fechit, Chink, Indian giver, Flip, Working like a slave, Boy, Uncle Charlie, Girl, Sounds Greek to me, Nigger, Lackey, Cracker, Dumb PR, Honky, Red man, Blackmail, Indian, Dago. Holy Roller. Black-ball. Negro. Dago-Red. Mick. White Lie, Poor White Trash, Black Lie, Black Sheep, Black List, Darkey, Lowest on the Totem Pole, Kike, Indian war, Beaner, Wet Back, Blue-eyed Devil, Lazy Mex, Coon, Red Bone, Uncle Tom, High Yellow, Buck, Yellow Gal, Jungle Bunny, Tar Baby, Sambo, Cocker Roach, Half Breed, Blondes Have More Fun, Pickaninny, Dumb Blonde, Jezabel, Jap, Hang with a new rope, Whitey, Wop, Kimosabe, Trailer Trash, Indian Summer, Paddy wagon, Spic, Spearchucker, Black Jew-Jew, Canuck, Jew Boy, Oriental, Pollock Welfare Bum, Colonial, Savage, Colored, Monkey, You People, Limp wrist, Queer, Caught Red Handed, Guinea Pig

Okay, okay, I get it. We should not use disparaging remarks about our fellow person. But this list, in my less than humble opinion, goes too far. I get it that calling someone a nigger or a darkey might be hurtful.
And it's nice that they threw in, just for balance, things like 'honky' and 'cracker'. Not that it hurts if someone calls me that, but it's nice to be on the list in any capacity.
But what about 'blackmail'? What do you call it when someone does that to someone else? 'Politically incorrect mail?'
And what about 'white lie' and 'Indian war' and 'Kimosabe'? Are we not to watch cowboy movies about the Indian wars again, nor The Lone Ranger?
And what about 'High Yellow' and 'Red Bone', that black people call each other? Are they to be criticized for using bad language, or just white people who use these phrases?
And are they now going to stop showing Buck and the Preacher?
And then there are the really absurd ones: 'Savage', 'Monkey', and 'Guinea Pig'. Or is it just bad when we use them about certain people, rather than monkeys and guinea pigs, let alone savages?
I don't get it...

1 comment:

  1. They missed "Coon Ass" which has been made illegal by he term can either be a compliment or derogatory.


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