26 December 2007


Seems a Siberian tiger named Tatiana got out of its enclosure at the San Francisco Zoo on Christmas, mauled three people (one man died), and was finally shot to death by police after it charged them. Fortunately it was late on Tuesday, and there were only about twenty visitors at the zoo.
The victims were all young men in their twenties.
Rico is surprised they couldn't run faster, but it's surely another aha! moment for carrying firearms in public; notice the police weren't harmed...

According to more recent reports from the San Francisco Chronicle, "a shoe and blood were found between the fence and the moat, and a footprint has been found on a metal fence. The investigation is looking into the possibility that the tiger escaped by latching on to a leg or other body part, the paper reported."

Rico says he doesn't know how stupid you have to be to dangle your feet over the edge of a tiger enclosure, but he knows how stupid you must feel when the tiger latches onto your leg and uses it to climb out over your body...

Newer reports indicate that the wall around the enclosure, while about twelve and a half feet tall, should have been over sixteen feet tall. Part of the problem, for sure. But it seems that all three of the cat's victims were brothers, and probably all involved in what appears to have been a taunting incident. Rico says taunting a tiger, he doesn't care how big the wall, is a high-order piece of stupidity behavior that cost one of these idiots his life and injured the others. Morons...

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