12 December 2007

Okay, so it's torture; that's the point

Seems that the CIA agent who blabbed about the 'torture' of al-Qaeda prisoners using waterboarding also revealed that, push comes to shove, it works:
In an interview, Kiriakou said he did not witness Abu Zubaida’s waterboarding, but was part of the interrogation team that questioned him in a hospital in Pakistan for weeks after his capture in that country in the spring of 2002. He described Abu Zubaida as ideologically zealous, defiant, and uncooperative, until the day in mid-summer when his captors strapped him to a board, wrapped his nose and mouth in cellophane, and forced water into his throat in a technique that simulates drowning. The waterboarding lasted about 35 seconds before Abu Zubaida broke down, according to Kiriakou, who said he was given a detailed description of the incident by fellow team members. The next day, Abu Zubaida told his captors he would tell them whatever they wanted. “He said that Allah had come to him in his cell and told him to cooperate, because it would make things easier for his brothers,” Kiriakou said.

I suspect that Allah told him that, if he wanted to avoid that 'simulated drowning' shit again, he had to start talking.
Okay, I get it. It's torture. It's not nice. I'm not sure, under the Geneva Conventions, it's even legal.
Given the results, do I care?
Not really.
Let the lawyers get rich sorting this one out.
In the meantime, drown the bastards and find out what we need to know.
Because, if there's ever another 9.11, everybody's gonna wish we'd done all this, and worse...

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