16 December 2007

Local hero

According to the Associated Press, the owner of famous Geno's Steaks, a Philly landmark and the place I had my first authentic Philly cheesesteak a decade ago, recently posted a sign in his establishment that read "This is America; when ordering, speak English". The usual hoo-hah from the usual suspects ensued. He's now been hauled before the Philadelphia Commission on Human Relations, charged with being discriminatory. They're investigating whether he violated the city ordinance that prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, ethnicity, or sexual orientation.
Now, I'm not for discrimination, but I am for people speaking English in this country, especially when dealing with other people.
But a local sociology professor said that "the signs give a feeling of being unwelcome". No shit.
Try ordering in English in a Mexican restaurant, fer chrissake (other than right along the border); you might get a cocked head and a "Como?", if you're lucky.

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