19 December 2007

Good fences make good neighbors. So do good shotgubs, rifles, and handgubs

Seems Congress couldn't get its act together (I know, I know, a redundant statement), and failed yet again to put money in the budget to finish the fencing to try and keep illegal immigrants from crossing the Mexican border. (Funny, ain't it, that we don't seem to have the same problem on the Canadian border. Of course, a lot of snow for much of the year may have something to do with that, but they don't even do it in the summertime...)
'It's expensive', they whine.
Rico has a cheap solution: simply pass a law that no law — local, state, or federal— will be enforced within one mile of the border.
Nothing. No felonies, no misdemeanors, nada.
What does that get you?
It gets you free border control, for one thing.
Imagine all the yahoos who'd show up with their shiny new pickups and shiny new gubs to shoot them a mess of Mesticans...
Of course, the coyotes would show up with theirs, too.
We could just mount television cameras (in hardened towers to withstand the inevitable plinking) throughout the border zone and televise the whole thing on Pay-Per-View. We could probably balance the federal budget on the take...

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