28 December 2007

Evil is as evil does

From the John in Carolina blog, quoting Mark Steyn at NRO:
On the streets of Islamabad, that and a dime'll get you a cup of coffee.

Which is pretty good, considering that a dollar in Islamabad could get you killed, while it won't even get you a cup of coffee in New York...

But as John himself says:
"One reason the Islamists have made progress in the terror war has been the unwillingness of so many in the West to even admit it’s going on. They talk snidely of 'George Bush’s war on terror'.
Another reason is that so many refuse to believe the Islamists are people every bit as evil and determined as were the Nazis.
As with the Nazis, you can’t safely negotiate with such people. You can only destroy them or be destroyed.
But many Westerners shrink from admitting that."

As he notes, "Winston Churchill once said that people who disagreed intensely on the proper definition of rhinoceros could nonetheless all agree when they saw one."
Maybe 'terrorist' is the same way...

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