09 December 2007

The Episcopal Church implodes

From a New York Times on-line article:

The Diocese of San Joaquin (California, near Fresno) voted on Saturday to cut ties with the Episcopal Church, the first time in the church’s history a diocese has done so over theological issues and the biggest leap so far by dissident Episcopalians hoping to form a rival national church in the United States.

The war has only begun, of course, over who gets the physical churches and the money.
In this case, I side with the locals; it was their money when they built the churches, they should keep them.
The national church, of course, doesn't think so.
Look for secular courts to be forced to parse this one for the religious...

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10.12.07

    There hasn't been a shake up so big since Henry VIII formed the Church of England. Mom and Dad started going to the Anglican church when the Eliscopalians got too liberal. And that was back in 1985!


No more Anonymous comments, sorry.