27 December 2007

Down to the wire

Seems that "Hill's Angels" (now there's a phrase only a campaign manager could love) are fanning out across Iowa in a last-ditch effort to get out the women's vote for Hillary, and she's dragging Bill and Chelsea around behind her.
"You never know what may happen in some part of the world that will create a real challenge to us here at home, here in Iowa," Clinton told a packed auditorium Wednesday. She's claiming her 'time in the White House' gave her the experience to deal with those challenges.

Obama is still trying to convince people he's got the goods, and Edwards is in New Hampshire trying to convince people he's still alive.

It's going to be an interesting time until the primaries are done, the smoke clears, and we see who we're dealing with.
If it's not Barack and Fred, Rico says he'll be pouting...

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