19 December 2007


Seems that Hillary Clinton has finally embarked on a 'warm and fuzzy tour', trying to convince voters in Iowa that she's just such a nice person after all... To make matters even worse, she's dragging poor Bill along to prop up her 'experience' side of the message.
Experience? As what? She's never been elected to anything other than Senator, not even dogcatcher, and she's never done anything in Washington other than 'preside' over a debacle of a health care plan.
Warm and fuzzy? Rico says he doesn't think so; the woman couldn't do warm and fuzzy with a mouthful of rabbit fur.
A New York Times on-line article noted that "some people found her 'cold' and 'remote'." You think? As I recall, so did Bill...
Even Hillary herself said “There are people who will never vote for me,” she said. “It breaks my heart, but it’s true.”
Yup. Sure are, bitch...

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