25 December 2007

The Brits, too, don't forget

From the on-line Sunday Mirror of the UK:
"In two days most of us will be enjoying Christmas. Watching our little ones open presents, relaxing with our families and sitting down to a grand festive meal.
But it will be different in thousands of homes. For these are the ones where a father, husband or son is away serving his country. It will be even harder for their men, of course, as our interviews today with some of those fighting in Afghanistan show.
The troops of Brigade Recce Force have just been told that they must stay on duty throughout Christmas, even though they have been battling the Taliban for two months already - the longest desert patrol since the Second World War.
They are grateful for what they have received - presents from home, supplies of chocolate and cigarettes, and even tinsel and Santa hats. But none of it can disguise how different this festive season will be. Yet, typically, their main concern is not for themselves, but for the families at home having to make do without them.
It is natural to think with admiration and awe of the sheer courage and daring of the men and women fighting in these impossibly dangerous conditions.
But we should also consider a different side of what they are undergoing - simply being away from their loved ones. And, of course, that is particularly tough at this very special time of the year. For the sake of their country, they are making this selfless sacrifice.
So while we revel in our own Christmas festivities, let us also remember the troops whose repast is a boil-in-the-bag meal and who will not see their children's faces as they open their stockings from Santa.
Our debt to them can never be repaid."

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