20 December 2007


Noah Webster wrote "A people can never be deprived of their liberties, while they retain in their own hands, a power sufficient to any other power in the state."
Fortunately, I live in a less-benighted state that allows its citizens to purchase and use fully-automatic weapons.
While the expense, let alone the household issues, preclude me owning one at this time, I would if I could.
Well, one, because I can.
Two, because they're cool.
Three, because you should always exercise your rights in order to protect them.
Four, because they're very cool, and they make lots of loud noises.
Five, because of that line from The Wind and the Lion in which Connery refers to guns that fire "many times, promiscuously". I always thought that was a great description, and always wanted one.

Oddly enough, you can get a real (semi-auto, anyway) machine gun, like a 1919 or even a heavy-barrel M2, for less than you'd imagine; about $1200 will do it. On the other hand, the dummy Thompson I want for my wall (to be hung in a glass case with a tiny little fire-extinguisher hammer and an engraved brass plaque that says "In case of pirates, break glass") costs $800, while a real one costs about $875... Go figure.

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