20 December 2007

Another politically correct blunder

According to a column in the current Shotgun News, there's a push on for Hasbro to repackage its traditional GI Joe doll for the 'modern' boy. Since GI (for Government Issue) has such 'bad' connotations these days, especially in the burgeoning overseas toy market, Hasbro has decided, its less-than-infinite wisdom, to change his affliation. He's now going to be a member of "an international force based (no, I'm not making this up) in Brussels." GI Joe has also now become an acronym, meaning "Global Integrated Joint Operating Entity", part of "an international co-ed force of operatives who use high-tech equipment to battle Cobra, an evil organization headed by a double-crossing Scottish arms dealer."

Well, durn, and here we've been having such trouble of late with double-crossing Scottish arms dealers, too...
And note the 'co-ed' part of the description; wanna bet it's not long until they introduce GI Jane? (As what, a Joint All-Nancy Entity?)

Worse yet, according to the column, GI Joe was based on a real guy named Mitchell Paige, who died in 2003, a veteran and hero of the battle of Guadalcanal.
Go fucking figure.

Rick says someone at Hasbro needs a pimpslapping...

Well, looks like they got one. A check of the Hasbro site reveals that "the G.I. Joe team will not be based in Brussels. Instead, they will be based out of the 'Pit' as they were throughout the 1980s comic book series."
Whew. Thought we'd lost 'em there for a minute...

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