16 November 2007

Still 'drunk' on life

The dubious joys of having a brain injury continue, alas.
My double vision is still at ten degrees to port, my balance is still compromised, and occasionally my behavior leaves something to be desired.
But we got back the results of the neurological exam and, while not necessarily totally logical, it was very interesting.
Seems that I am really, really smart, except where I'm dumb.
Without going into the minutiae of the report (which I need an interpreter for anyway), my verbal skills are in the high to really high range pretty much across the board. Not a surprise.
What was a surprise was how low the visual skills were; some quite low.
Being the graphics guy I was, I would have thought I'd've done better on that part.
Oddly enough, my old dear friend David, who's pretty damn smart about these things himself, always thought of me as being auditory, rather than visual, so he was right again, as usual...
But overall I continue to surprise even myself with how far I've come in a year.
Am I the 'old' Mark?
Nope. And may never be, for better or worse.
But the 'new' Mark (or what we might call Mark II, in my favorite British nomenclature) isn't so bad.
And beats the hell out of being Mark I Mod 0, trust me...

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