22 November 2007

Oops. Want some ice with that?

Seems that NASA made a little calculation mistake when it was doing the whole global-warming thing awhile back. There was a little 'anomaly' in their calculations, brought on by an apparent Y2K error. Seems that 1998 was not the warmest year on record, and we may not be looking at a long steady rise in temperature after all. Now, oddly enough, this correlates with an observation I made watching local television last night. We've been having an unusually warm Thanksgiving this year (for Philly), with temperatures in the 60s. But when they put up the local records on the local news, what year do you suppose had the highest Thanksgiving temperature? Did you guess 1931. Me, either. But, oddly enough, when NASA redid their calculations, one of the warmest years on record was (there's that coincidence) 1931... Maybe we won't have to relocate the polar bears after all. Though I still think it'd make a great Discovery Channel documentary...

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