25 November 2007

Illegal immigration problems

Seems that folks are complaining (via Michelle Malkin's blog):
"I propose that detention centers large enough to house a hundred thousand or so illegals be built in the desert with proper facilities. The current neighborhoods housing them must be raided and these individuals rounded up. Those who can produce documentation and prove their nationality can be deported to the country of their origin."
A rabid Republican? Nope.
A fervent blogger? Nope.
Tarik Al Maeena, in an op-ed piece in Arab View.
About Mexicans in the US? Nope.
"The rising number of illegals from African and Asian communities has spawned minicities within the city."
New York City? Nope.
Los Angeles? Nope.
Try Jeddah, in Saudi Arabia.
Ain't globalization a bitch?

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