03 November 2007

23 years and it's still kicking ass

This video is why I went to work for them a year later, and stayed for ten years: the introduction of the Macintosh.
(Be sure to click the 1984macintro.mov link in the red text below the image; it's a cleaner presentation.)
This video was shot in the immense auditorium at DeAnza College in San Jose; there were thousands of people in the audience. (My then-wife worked for the public relations company that serviced Apple, so I got to see all the behind-the-scenes stuff leading up to this event.)
No matter what you think of Jobs, this was an amazing time and an amazing process.
I am proud to have been part of it, even after the fact.
(I only started working at Apple in 1985.)
I still own a Mac, and always will. And I still shake my head at people who insist that those Gates machines are "just like a Mac". They weren't then, they're not now, and they may never be. If you've seen the video for Leopard, the latest version of the Mac OS (and you should go to the Apple website and watch it right now if you haven't), you'll know why we always said "yes, it's only five percent of the market, but it's the best five percent."

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