16 October 2007

Things you'll never see again

A Lockheed Constellation was the very first airplane that I remember flying in, when my parents brought me to California for the first time in about 1960. My mother sat up all night, terrified, watching the exhaust flames from the engines out the window, convinced we were going to crash any minute.
We didn't, of course.
Don't remember what we flew on the way back, but probably a DC4 or something.
Still one of the coolest 1950s-looking airplanes ever made.
Hopeless, of course. They had a nasty tendency to fly into the ground on a regular basis.
Stopped flying them back in the 60s sometime.
Haven't seen one, even in an aviation museum, in ages.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous17.10.07

    They are still around.



No more Anonymous comments, sorry.