22 October 2007

They do it to themselves

From the Frontpagemag.com blog:
"The Qur’an forbids a Muslim to kill a fellow believer intentionally, but both sides justify these conflicts by appealing to the Islamic practice of takfir: the declaration that, because of some doctrinal deviation, some group of Muslims are not actually Muslims at all, and their blood can lawfully be shed. One of the chief characteristics of modern day Salafist movements – that is, movements to restore the purity of Islam – is their frequent use of takfir and subsequent targeting of those whom everyone in the world except they themselves would regard as their fellow Muslims. This phenomenon is playing out all over the world today, as Wahhabis and other Salafist preachers take an Islamic hardline into areas where a more relaxed cultural Islam has long prevailed. The result is often violent. In fact, the Algerian sociologist Marieme Helie Lucas explains that the controversial term 'Islamofascism' was “initially coined by Algerian people struggling for democracy, against armed fundamentalist forces decimating people in our country, then later operating in Europe, where a number of us had taken refuge.” These pro-democracy Algerians were, of course, Muslims; Muslims who were massacred by jihadists in the 1990s for being insufficiently Islamic. Over 150,000 were killed."
"Wahhabism, said a Somali journalist named Bashir Goth, was 'an austere and closed school of thought', deviating from the established schools of Islamic jurisprudence. 'Wahhabism', according to Goth, 'is the only school that compels its followers strictly to observe Islamic rituals, such as the five prayers, under pain of flogging, and for the enforcement of public morals to a degree unprecedented in the history of Islam.' He characterized it as 'a closed mind sect that turned Islam into a fragile creed that lives in constant fear of children’s toys and games such as Barbie dolls and Pokemon.' Wahhabi clerics, Goth noted, were challenging Somali Muslims: 'They want to tell us that over the the last fourteen centures, our people have been practicing the wrong religion; that, since the dawn of Islam, Somali people had lived in vain, worshipped in vain and died in vain. God help them, they all will be burned in hell because they did not follow the correct path: Wahhabism.”
Lest we forget, the Wah'habis are the folks in those funny robes who currently run Saudi Arabia (the Sa'ud family having been converted a long time ago) and jack up our oil prices...

As for Darfur, long the poster child of the Left:
“Those scumbags want to play with us? They want to come to the children of Darfur? The children of Darfur will eat them alive. By Allah, there are some ferocious tribes there. They call them Janjaweed, and they want to attack them. There is a tribe called ‘al-Masiriya.’ Are they men or not? By Allah, when we ride horses and make these battle cries... By Allah, the infidels die of fear. They die of fear.”

Nice guys all around.
Remember that when someone asks you why we can't all just get along...

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