09 October 2007

The Starboard List (from an on-line review) The rousing songs on this CD are those of the sailors who served on merchants ships over the last few hundred years, and include working shanties, songs of bravery, and sentimental ballads. Wherever there is hard work and hard times, there are song to lighten the labor, coordinate the muscles of dozens of men, and often give working men their only opportunity to express their feelings about the hard masters they served. The performers’ style is in sympathy with the traditional origins of the music, and shows a considerable experience and the love of the sea. Starboard List members are Charles O'Hegarty, David Jones and Peter Marston, assisted by friends Brian Brooks, Dan Milner, John Townley, Christine Townley, Jerry Epstein, Tom Cerone, Sylven Seid and John Kilgore.

I first met Charles O. Hegarty (as he pointed out, the O stood for Oliver and was a middle initial, not an Irish contraction; that was invented by the recording company for the album) in Nantucket, Massachusetts in the summer of 1970. I was living there between high school and college, and Charlie was singing his sea chanteys in a bar called The Brotherhood of Thieves, a basement drinking and carousing establishment in the grand Dickensian tradition. I loved it, and his music, and had a great time drinking warm English beer and singing along. We always promised we'd get together later, down the islands or some such place, but never did. Having just bought a new iPod (see post below on my new toy), I loaded the Starboard List album, and am listening to it as I type. It's a delight to hear it again; I haven't even been playing the CD in the car of late. If you like folk music, or whaling songs, or any combination of the above, I heartily recommend this album. You can still get it on-line, and it's worth every penny...

After a lengthy Google search proved fruitless, I reached out to David Jones, also on the Starboard List album, and asked him if he knew the whereabouts of Mister Hegarty. Hopefully he will, and Charlie and I can someday get together down the islands like we always said we would...

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