22 October 2007

Sound familiar?

"There is scarcely a single non-Muslim inhabitant of England, France, Belgium, Germany, the Netherlands, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Spain, or any other country in Western Europe who, knowing what he now knows, or perceives, would not, if he could rewind the clock, undo the policy of permitting large-scale — or even small-scale — immigration by Muslims, and almost all, if not all, of such inhabitants would gladly, if they could, have halted all Muslim immigration altogether."
"And everywhere in the Lands of the Infidels the large-scale presence of Muslims has created a situation of much greater unpleasantness, expense, and physical insecurity than would exist without such a presence. That no one in Western Europe now denies; the quarrel is over what can or should be done about that."
"Islamofascism is a cancer eating away at Europe’s traditions, cultures and legal systems bit by bit. Throw in a Muslim birthrate much higher that the populations in their host countries and you have a recipe for disaster waiting to happen. There are many muslims who refuse to integrate into the general culture of their new homelands and they get away with it because authorities do not want to be seen as being xenophobic. This has nothing to do with race but a heck of a lot to do with inviting trouble into your own home."
From commentators on the Religion of Peace blog...

Replace Muslim with Mexican and all those countries with the equivalently-affected states in the United States, and I wonder if it would still ring true?
If that's being racist, then guilty as charged.
However, replace Muslim with Martian and I would submit it's still true...

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