01 October 2007

Free fall for PC

It looks like, with the Duke 'rape' case, that Political Correctness may have finally achieved its high water mark, and will only recede from here.
It's fascinating (since I was out of it during much of the process) to see how the whole situation has reversed itself in the last nine months, from a 'sure thing' case against the lacrosse team to a 'less than sure thing' case to 'no case' to 'the system turns on the district attorney and devours its own'.
Check the whole story out in the 'Carolina' blog, available via my sidebar.

If they'd written this story for Law & Order, the producers probably wouldn't have accepted the script. Too fantastic, they would have said. Too inflammatory. Too something.
Too fucking funny, if you share my evil sense of humor.
I hope Nifong gets the max and does some hard time. Not a good place for an ex-prosecutor, prison.
Bummer for him.
My sympathies for the lacrosse boys who were savaged in this process.
My indignation to the mainstream media and the university who lined up to kick them when they were down.
There are multi-milion-dollar lawsuits pending; I hope they win it all, just to make these people learn their lesson...

Rico says the deathknell of Political Correctness could't have come too soon.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1.10.07

    Well, don't worry. You'll have the Jena 6 to follow (which is really only about 1 of the 6)and watch Jackson/Sharpton canonize a wannabe thug and then take credit for the justice system working as it should. It may be slow but it usually works.


No more Anonymous comments, sorry.