11 October 2007

A daddy after all

Though I avoided the whole real-child thing by getting a vasectomy early on, I have acquired, late in life, a sweet and gentle cat, of all things.
Never liked cats.
Never had a cat, except second-hand. (The ladyfriend always had cats. And a dog, too. All dead now.)
But we have a wonderful one just now. (I'd've included the photo of it going off to the vet to get spayed, but can't seem to get it emailed from my camera. I'll repost if I figure it out.)
Suffice it to say that I've missed her while she was at the vet. (Even had her name changed on their database; she's a Seymour now.) We'll be getting her back later, fortunately none the worse for wear, though I'm sure the experience won't have made her happy... Just unimpregnatible, which is good. Not that we're liable to let her go roaming anyway, but at least we won't have to hear about it when she went into heat again (and she's vocal enough as it is).
So, welcome home, Flora. It’ll be nice to not hear the pitterpatter of little padded polydactyl feet again…

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