12 September 2007

What part of 'never forget' don't you understand?

Six years on, it still makes me choke up. And it makes me mad all over again. For those apologists who say that we should just forgive and forget, I say 'never'.
I also say "kill 'em all, let God sort 'em out."
That's not a racist thing (I don't care what they were nor where they came from), and not even a religious thing (I don't care any more about their religious delusions than I do the Religious Right in this country, who I think are as much of a danger as the jihadis.)
It's a self-preservation thing.
I'm very committed to that. Along with the preservation of my fellow Americans and our much-maligned-but-still-desired-by-everybody American Way of Life.
And if it takes killing every last turban-wearing, Allah-chanting, foreign (or domestic, as you'll find I'm an equal-opportunity curmudgeon) motherfucker who professes hate for Americans to keep things like that in the photos above from happening again, so be it.

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