25 September 2007

Television worth watching

I'm only a few hours into this lengthy Ken Burns documentary, but it's done with the same deft brilliance as his work on the Civil War.
Rico says check it out...

Fortunately, Burns did not turn away from the whole story. There are several segments, appropriately done, on the issues of how we treated African Americans and Japanese Americans during the war; not a good part of our history. Shaming and angering, for me. Given that my maternal grandparents were residents of North Carolina, I lived through the end of segregation in the South (the late 1950s and early 1960s), and saw the same stupid blind bullshit exhibited by white Americans... Idiots. I'm still amazed that black people talk to us.


  1. Anonymous25.9.07

    how will you feel years from now of your rantings about Muslims and illegal immigrants? maybe the previous generations would like to take back their prejudices. hopefully someday soon you will see the similarities. cc

  2. Signing an anonymous post seems to defeat the purpose, but I probably would have figured out who it was anyway...
    My rants about Islamic fundamentalist terrorists and poor Hispanics trying desperately to make a better life by flinging themselves across our borders? They may be narrow-minded (though how you can be broad-minded about people trying to kill us I don't know...), but they're not prejudiced.
    I don't care if it was Thai Buddhists trying to kill us (as unlikely as that might be), or poor Canadians trying to make a better life for themselves by moving to someplace warmer: you break the law, you hurt Americans, you pay the price.
    If that's prejudice, then I don't understand the word.


No more Anonymous comments, sorry.