23 September 2007

Sometimes they even amaze me...

As if Bangladesh, one of the poorest and most over-populated countries in the world, didn't have enough problems, now they're in a major tizzy over a cartoon with these speech balloons:

A man: What is your name?
Boy: Babu.
Man: You should say 'Mohammed Babu'. What’s is your father’s name?
Boy: X.
Man: You should say 'Mohammed X'. What is that in your lap?
Boy: Mohammed cat.

The cartoonist, a 20-year-old kid, has reportedly been arrested, and the sub-editor of that humour section “terminated for carelessness.” There are also calls to arrest the editor of the newspaper where the cartoon was published, the much-respected Matiur Rahman.

Amazing, huh?
So the next time they want you to weep for the poor starving, cyclone-smashed Bangladeshis, remember that this is what they're really worried about...

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