18 September 2007

Just saying so, no matter how well, don't make it so

These people: http://tinyurl.com/3e4pj9 want desperately to have you believe that 'someone' (anyone; the culprits are unnamed) wired the entirety of both World Trade Center buildings on the chance that someone might eventually fly some airplanes into them. (Conveniently, someone did, though the intervening time is unspecified.)
Amazingly, but not surprisingly, they don't show the miles of wire (let alone all the drilling and mortaring) required to plant those demolition charges and have them go off in the right order to pancake the building. Nor did they ever interview anyone that saw it happen.
Occam's Razor, people, sorry. The simple solution is that the planes flew into the buildings, taking out the structural core, and the fires weakened the floor pans until the weight of the buildings brought them down.
It's a great video, though; very well done and worth watching, all two-hours plus of it.
Just don't believe a minute of it.
Rico says they're telling convenient half-truths, if brilliantly presented and almost believable. In the face of 2600 dead and countless injured by the collapse of the buildings, that's damnable...

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