21 September 2007

Saving Social Security

Besides my own personal interest (since I became disabled) in staying on the gummint payroll, we all have parents and grandparents (and children, in some cases) to worry about.
You can send this straight to the White House at comments@whitehouse.gov if you want, or go to http://www.congress.org, enter your zip code, find email addresses for your congressperson and senators, and send them something like the following (feel free to rewrite as you choose; use I if it's just you, or We if you get friends to sign it as well):

Dear (insert President Bush or your representative's name here):
I/We wish to protest the bill, voted upon recently in the Senate, which would allow illegal aliens to access Social Security.
I/We demand that Congress require citizenship as a prerequisite for social services in the United States.
I/We further demand that no amnesty be given to illegals, along with no free services, no funding, and no payments to and for illegal immigrants.
I/We am/are fed up with giving our hard-earned tax money for services to illegals.

(your name and address here; remember, politicians respond better to people in their constituency, because they want you to vote for them next election)

As my father noted in his comment, a letter may get more attention in DC than an email. As I noted: so, write a letter. So much for technology.


  1. Anonymous22.9.07

    Nice objective, but bad advice. No congressperson reads email. It doesn't count. It has to be a letter, individually signed. Emails to congress just get deleted.


  2. So, write a letter. So much for technology.


No more Anonymous comments, sorry.