17 September 2007

An old war but a good one

Seems that today, 17 September, is the anniversary of Operation Market Garden, memorialized in A Bridge Too Far (a good movie, a better book). It wasn't the end, but it was the beginning of the end, of World War Two.
We owe a huge debt to those men remaining (as WW2 vets die off at nearly 2000 a day) who put their lives on the line to free a continent from the Nazis.
As for the Germans, of course, bummer of a loss. Couldn't have happened to a nicer bunch of guys...

One of my dear friends, Rob Buiskool, who lives in Arnhem, actually had a bit part in A Bridge Too Far (if you watch the movie, that's him behind Robert Redford as they paddle small boats madly across the river at Nijmegen under movie-squib 'fire' from the Germans); he had a great time. I'm very proud he had the opportunity to portray a significant moment not only in the history of the world, but the history of the Netherlands.
Rico says check it out.

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