10 September 2007

I hate mysteries

Given the disappearence of months of my life lately, along with a few other weirdnesses, I do so hate mysterious behavior. (Or, as Tommy Lee Jones memorably put it in Lonesome Dove: "I hate rude behavior in a man. I will not tolerate it.")
Thus, when I went to check on my AT&T bill (especially given all the internet traffic about huge bills), I was startled to see it's currently $236.
That's pretty weird, considering my all-in plan is only $79.99 a month.
Needless to say, a rocket email went to AT&T Customer Service, with a WTF attitude.
We'll see what they say.

What they said was that they'll billing me for last month and this month, plus an installation fee and a few other miscellaneous things.
It works out to be right, but at least it's not like the bill someone else got:

According to my friend:
"They mistakenly took off the free data feature and began charging him for text messages and data. This bill includes charges for 300 MB of data. AT&T says they will fix it, but we'll see."
Thank goodness they didn't do that to me; I'd've said many bad things to many people...

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