29 September 2007

Hunting license not required

Seems that several Army snipers have gotten themselves into courts martial over their habit of leaving interesting objects on the ground for potential insurgents to pick up.
Pick 'em up, get shot.
Sort of salt licks for insurgents, I guess. (Thanks to my embedded reporter in the sandbox for that splendid image.)
I don't know how sporting this is, and the courts martial will undoubtedly wrestle with the notion, but I don't think it's sporting when we do it to animals (and I have, to my shame, in Texas).
But I would suggest to bearded folks in Iraq that they not stop to pick up goodies along the roadside...

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous30.9.07

    Soldier was convicted, but of a much lesser charge than murder. See the link for the story.



No more Anonymous comments, sorry.