18 September 2007

Great graphics. Bad idea.

Very nice design. (I especially like the sihouetted figure; wish I'd done the poster, actually.) Underneath in Arabic is Qur’an 9:20: “Those who believe, and have left their homes and striven with their wealth and their lives in Allah’s way are of much greater worth in Allah’s sight. These are they who are triumphant.” Seems that he's no longer a threat, fortunately (my thanks to Robert Spencer at jihadwatch for the story): Houssein Zorkot, a third-year medical student at Wayne State University in Michigan, was arrested on September 8 at Hemlock Park in Detroit. He was wearing camouflage makeup, black clothes, and carrying an AK-47 assault rifle; he reportedly had to be tasered by police when he was arrested. The start of Zorkot’s personal jihad will have to wait; he is being held on $1 million dollar bond.

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