13 September 2007

Good question

In her blog (click in the link in my sidebar to get there from here) Michelle Malkin posed the question "Which kind of person are you, a 9/10 person or a 9/12 person?"
The issue is, do you act as if 9/11 had occurred, or are you one of 'those people' who try and act as if nothing unusual or untoward happened back in 2001, and the World Trade Center and the Pentagon (and a field in Pennsylvania) were never struck by jihadi-piloted planes.
Me, I'm a 9/12 kinda guy.
I remember, and I don't like it.
So if you're one of those people who think that, by sticking your fingers in you ears and saying "La, la, la, la" loud and long enough, you can prevent the next attack on us by those who hate us, you got a big surprise coming, kiddo.
Unfortunately, there are many like you, and you will all be shocked, shocked when it happens.

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