15 September 2007

But which scam is the real thing?

I keep getting bombarded, like the rest of the internet, with spam messages touting the sale of replica watches. Now, I know they're not the real thing, but they sure do look like them (see photo; even I can't remember if it was a fake one or the real one).
And, fuck the trademark issues, I'd be more than happy to pay $300 for a knockoff Audemars Piguet watch, a real one of which would set me back to the tune of $20,000...
But word is that all the sites are scams and that, at best, you get nothing for your money. At worst, of course, they try and rape your credit card to the max, with little or no recourse.
Ah, would that there were an honest scammer out there, where you could pay your money and get what you paid for...

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