07 September 2007

Be afraid. Be very afraid.

"Jihad is a duty of any Muslim; only through it Islam could survive. It is not only to expand Dar-al-Islam, but also to impose the 'holy' and absolute despotism of the Islamic ruling institutions on the 'Umma'...
"It was thought that when the Prophet passed on that the Dar-al-Islam had started its sudden end. However, Islam was already institutionalised; it was an ideological tool of the politically established ruling class."
This quote is from what passes for a 'reasonable' blog about Islam: http://www.mideastyouth.com/2007/09/05/jihad-is-a-justification-of-aggression/

These people do not have our best interests in mind...
If you think there's no reason to wage war against people like this, prepare for dhimmi-hood.
Sorry, but I don't think the life of a dhimmi works for me, so it's lock and load until further notice...

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