26 August 2007

Lucky, after all

The old joke about 'met a man with one leg' is so true.
My personal trainer (what, you don't have one; they're all the rage) and I were exchanging life stories the other day, and I found out that he'd lost his father (to cancer) two years ago, and is still dealing with the loss.
That made me reflect on how lucky I am to still have all four (remarried after the divorce) parents.
I suspect that won't be true a decade from now, but you never know.
My dad (the blood one) is coming to pick me up in awhile to go root around in my storage locker for some important stuff.
It's the little things in life, like that, that I'll miss when he's gone.
So, if you still have a parent, tell them how much you love them.
Eventually you won't be able to.
If you have a child, same thing.
Do it now. (Hey, you're on the computer; send an email.)

More on the same subject...
Following the lockup run, we had a discussion about me and how I'm living my life.
Not all of it was positive.
Later he foolishly decided to have the same discussion with Chris, my lady love (who hates being called "my badger", but that's just because she doesn't love badgers the way I do), and got both barrels from her about boundaries and parenting.
We're back to being fine now, but it was a bad time in between.
So, when you decide to talk to your parents (or your children), make damn sure you know what you're doing...

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