16 August 2007


I just finished installing the new versions of iLife and iWork.
Jobs and crew have blown me away again.
The ease-of-use apps I've been using for years just got better, plus there's now Numbers, too. (Spreadsheets again! Yippee!)
Plus the new iWeb blows away Adobe GoLive and any of the other html generators, at a tenth of the price and increased ease of use.
Why anyone uses anything but a Macintosh, I do not know...
(And to forestall all those indignant Windows and Linux users out there, fuck you, it ain't the same.)


  1. Anonymous16.8.07

    as least we window users didn't have to wait till 2007 to get a spreadsheet!! maybe you mac people just take your shoes off?

  2. Actually, there was a fine spreadsheet for the Mac for years (Excel), until Microsoft woke up and stopped supporting the OS. So fuck you, anonymously, and fuck Bill Gates, too.


No more Anonymous comments, sorry.