22 August 2007

Driving from the right seat

Why is it that everyone in the Philadelphia area is so hopeless at the standard driving techniques (pulling out, stopping, passing, etc.) that other parts of the country seem to do so much better?
My dad's here from San Diego, and he's shaking his head constantly at the antics of other drivers.
Now that I'm forcibly co-piloting, for the foreseeable future, all I can do is grit my teeth...
I, of course, want desperately to buy one of those full-auto paint ball gubs and have at them out the window when they display their incompetence. (But I'm sure there's a special section of the Vehicle Code that prohibits that.)


  1. Anonymous22.8.07

    Mark try to negotiate around the shitheads going to a fire with sirens airhorns and red lights, some think it is a race and speed up,some stop dead in front of you and won't move, and most ingore us !! Get me one of them paint ball guns too!! G

  2. I would think that firefighters would get paint ball gubs issued to them by the department... (With bright red paint balls, of course.)

  3. Anonymous26.8.07

    What? Like they drive sane in San Diego????? If you think Philly is bad, try commuting on Sheikh Zayed Road (maybe the worlds deadliest)in Dubai at 90 MPH with an Emirati tailgating you, an Indian cutting in front of you and a bus full of Pakistanis blocking your escape.


No more Anonymous comments, sorry.