24 July 2007

Well, I'm back...

...he said.
Sam Gamgee's words from the end of Lord of the Rings never rang so true as my return this afternoon from six weeks plus in Florida.
I finished up Rehab at Jefferson on Friday the 15th. Early on Saturday the 16th, we were on the road and headed south. Chris, my beloved, did all the hard work of packing and driving. I was along to eat, sleep, and swim. All of which I did for more than six weeks.
The weather, this being summer in Florida, was hot and usually muggy, but there was almost always a breeze on the beach and air conditioning indoors.
All in all, some of the best days of my life.
I have to thank my lady Chris most of all, but my cousin Dickie loaned us his house for a month, and numerous friends along the way helped out. I even got to return the favor and visit my old friend Dave Kitterman in the hospital on the way home. (He's doing well, I'm happy to report.)
I haven't dared weigh myself, lest I confirm my fears about everything I ate on the trip, but I feel fine and am thankful we were able to make the trip.
My thanks to those we saw, and my apologies to those we weren't able to see this trip.
There will be more, I hope.

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