08 November 2006

Raj for meathead

It seems my boy Raj Bhakta engaged in a bit of Nixon-era 'dirty tricks' just before the election, and had an auto-dialer send messages to people in his district (and some not even in his district, as one gentleman explained to me at my polling place, which is not in Raj's district) that starts off with a woman crying and then goes on with some gibberish about how his opponent was connected with an abortion clinic (years ago, apparently) and why that was a bad thing.
Dirty tricks aside (and I think they're a stupid waste of time, let alone a perversion of the American Way), what the fuck is he doing dredging up ancient (and distorted) history about someone's stand on abortion as an election tactic?
Abortion, like it or not, is the law of the land.
In addition, no one likes it, but it sometimes beats the alternative.
Trying to make it go away won't solve any problems, but will just create more.
I was alive, and had women friends who had to deal with the problem, before Roe vs Wade.
It was not a pretty time.
Better that Raj had stuck to the Row vs Wade problem of immigration, and left abortion out of the race.

Dumb fuck lost anyway, so my opinion matters little, but officially here's the word: Raj is hereby unendorsed by this blog.

Maybe someday he'll grow up and get his thinking straight. Until then, the search for a good candidate continues.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9.11.06

    Sounds like something that would happen in Louisiana....or Boston. I hate those robo calls and can't understand why candidates do them. They annoy me and I always hang up on them. Some of them are down right dangerous as they tie up yor phone line. Poor Raj. I guess why that's why he didn't last on Apprentice.


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