03 October 2006

See, diversity does work

This guy has set up throngs of campaign signs along the road I drive to work. Though I don't live in his district, I was compelled to visit his campaign site to check him out. He admits to being a poster child for the Melting Pot: "I am a first generation American. My father was born in India and my mother was born in Ireland. We would not be the country we are today had immigrants not paved the way."

He also tells it like it is: "We do, however, need sensible immigration reform. I support additional funding for border enforcement as well as efforts to attract the best and the brightest from around the world. "

I like this guy. If you live in the 13th Congressional District (Northeast Philadelphia), vote for him. He is what America is all about...

1 comment:

  1. Awesome. I'll have to cross-post this one.

    Keep up the good work!


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