Seb is one of those bloggers who occasionally whacks out an incredible screed, which I then pass along to you, wishing all the while I'd written it myself:
I am, quite frankly, sick and tired of Islamic extremism and increasingly, I am saddened to say, of Islam itself. For too long now, like a spoilt child stamping its feet, Islam has been demanding that the rest of the world succumb to its every whim. Islam dominates the news agenda like no other issue or ideology. Its adherents revel in the abhorrent brutality and bloodshed which it both propagates and feeds upon. Islam is now viewed the world over as a religion of violence, of intolerance, of extremism, and of hatred. At present, my contempt for Islam is almost inexpressible.
When rightly and reasonably accused, in measured tones and from many quarters, of crimes against humanity, Islam screams Death to the Infidels! and promises, and then delivers, yet more bloodshed. While followers of other faiths take the indignity of satire in their stride, and laugh at their own oddness and idiosyncrasies, Islam demands, quite literally upon pain of death, to be respected and pussy-footed around, even beyond what is required by the law. Islam demands an extraordinary level of sensitivity on the part of the followers of other faiths, while brutalizing them both verbally and physically in return. Islam, extreme and unreasonable at every opportunity, demands an unequal equality.
Islam is a barbaric and murderous religion. When three thousand innocent office workers were murdered in New York, Islamists celebrated by singing and dancing in the streets. Ignoring their own brutal and evil dictatorships, they pour scorn on those who choose to follow a different path, insisting, in effect, that they change their 'unbelieving' ways, or be slaughtered. This is the threat we face today.
Islam is going about the task of ensuring its own survival in precisely the wrong way. Indeed, it could hardly have done more damage to its cause if it had tried: rather than rally converts to its cause as it purports, Islam is deliberately and knowingly creating a deep-seated and lasting resentment in the hearts and minds of men and women, of all faiths and none, right across the globe.
The predictably hysterical and histrionic reaction of Islamic people to the Pope's reasonable and anodyne remarks is, I believe, a warning. Tolerant, fair-minded, liberal people, both in this country, in Europe, and in the wider world, will not put up with this poison and hatred for much longer. There will come a time when these bloodthirsty, barbaric, wild-eyed warmongers will realise that they have awakened a sleeping giant, and filled him with a terrible resolve.
If they truly believe that we are not prepared to fight for and, if necessary, to die for our beliefs, then I am afraid they are sorely, sorely mistaken.
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