20 September 2006

This guy's in for a great shock

A prominent Palestinian sheik, Ismail al-Radouan, declared: "When the shahid (suicide terrorist) meets his maker, all his sins are forgiven from the first gush of blood. He is exempted from the torments of the grave; he sees his place in paradise, he is shielded from the great shock, and marries the 72 Dark Eyed (virgins)."
In an interview recently broadcast on Palestinian television, the mother of a real life suicide bomber explains how she had hoped her son would martyr himself: "My son would always dream of shahada (martyrdom), it was his first and last goal in life. I told him, 'Dear, we all want to be shahids.' He said, 'In this entire world, I can't think of anyone to marry. I want to marry the Dark Eyed [virgins of Paradise].' I said if these are his thoughts, I wish him shahada."

How does that make a nice young Palestinian woman feel, when all this guy wants is a dark-eyed virgin?
I can't wait to hear from the feminists on this one...

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